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Refine Your Tagalog with Our Filipino Podcast List


Listening is the most important part of learning a new language. Yes, you need to master the basics of writing and speaking, but everything should start with listening. Even newborn babies go through a period of silence where all they do is listen to and absorb the sounds around them. 

It’s no secret that Filipino (or Tagalog) is a difficult language to master. One easy aspect of learning Filipino, however, is that the words are spelled as they’re pronounced. This makes listening to Filipino podcasts easy and enjoyable, even for relatively new learners. And if you’re wondering whether there are any Filipino-made podcasts that are worth listening to, you may be surprised to discover that there are actually a lot

Filipinos are among the best communicators in the world. In this entry, we’ll introduce you to some of the most sought-after podcasts from Filipino creators. From sports and comedy to relationships and current issues, you can rest assured that there’s something out there made exactly for a Filipino learner like you!

A Woman Lying in the Grass with Her Eyes Closed and Headphones on

Listening is the most important part of learning a new language.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Filipino Table of Contents
  1. Benefits of Using Podcasts to Learn Filipino
  2. The Best Podcasts for Learning Filipino
  3. Tricks for Learning Filipino More Effectively with Podcasts
  4. Enhance Your Comprehension Skills with FilipinoPod101

1. Benefits of Using Podcasts to Learn Filipino

Ask learners of any language what they want to improve first, and you’ll get “speaking” nearly a hundred percent of the time. Seldom will you encounter students who are as eager to improve their listening and comprehension skills as they are their speaking skills. And that’s understandable. After all, there’s nothing more exciting than finally being fluent in a language we’re studying. However, what most students fail to recognize is that fluency all starts with comprehension. 

So, how can listening to popular Filipino podcasts help you tap into your listening skills (and subsequently, your speaking skills)? 

1. By listening to podcasts to learn Filipino, you’ll be able to understand native speakers a lot better when they speak. That’s comprehension. 

2. The more you listen to how words are pronounced, the more your own pronunciation skills will improve. Listening to Filipino podcasts means spending time learning the proper accent for speaking in Tagalog. 

3. You’ll master how words should be connected and how they should flow when you’re speaking. This will allow you to sound more like a native speaker and a lot less like Google’s AI translator. Now that’s fluency!

Convinced? Then let’s check out some of the best Tagalog podcasts you should start listening to.

Two Businesswomen Chatting and Laughing in an Outdoor Setting

Listening to podcasts will help you understand native speakers a lot better.

2. The Best Podcasts for Learning Filipino 

1. The Linya-Linya Show 

Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Theme: Comedy

First on our list is The Linya-Linya Show. It’s the perfect podcast for those who are just starting to learn Filipino, as the hosts speak in a clear manner and at a moderate speed in most episodes. This is a lighthearted podcast featuring Filipino writer Ali Sangalang and comedian Victor Anastacio. At the time of this writing, the show has a total of 159 episodes. In each one, the duo talks about random yet meaningful things that an average Filipino experiences on a daily basis: fatherhood, motorcycles, rap battles, and even antics from their own youths. 

2. Ganap: An Okay Fight Podcast 

Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Theme: Comedy, Filipino Culture

What happens when you turn a Filipino drinking session into a podcast? Ganap: An Okay Fight Podcast is what you get. 

This Filipino comedy podcast may have only fourteen episodes, but it should be enough to introduce you to Filipino culture. Not to mention that each episode is an excellent tool for improving your listening skills. Why? As mentioned, the episodes are technically drinking sessions that were recorded and aired online. That means you can often expect to hear more than one voice speaking at the same time. But since it’s a regular merrymaking activity, you can expect the language to be limited to what you’d hear Filipinos use on a normal day.

3. Tsaastrology

Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Theme: Comedy, Astrology

With over a hundred episodes, Tsaastrology presents a unique approach to podcasting. It’s an improv comedy podcast hosted by three friends who talk about everything—not just under the sun but under the entire cosmos, so to speak. However, each episode focuses on a specific horoscope, with the hosts giving advice about love, relationships, career, and life in general. You can expect to hear some Taglish (as you would in any other Filipino podcast), but you can rest assured that 90% of the conversations are in Filipino.

4. The Wrestling-Wrestling Podcast

Level: Advanced
Theme: Sports, Wrestling

You probably weren’t expecting to find a podcast about wrestling here, and definitely not one that’s Filipino-made. But, believe it or not, entertainment wrestling is as big in the Philippines as it is in any other country. The Wrestling-Wrestling Podcast is proof of that. Hosted by three veteran Pinoy podcasters, The WW Podcast has been around since 2014. I would say that this particular podcast is best for advanced learners; it requires careful listening as the hosts switch between English and Tagalog all the time.

5. PumaPodcast

Level: Intermediate to Advanced
Theme: Current Issues

PumaPodcast is a podcast like no other. It’s not an individual show that focuses on one major theme, but rather a curation of multiple podcasts dealing with a range of subjects. Listening to each episode will not only help you improve your comprehension of the Filipino language, but it will also keep you up-to-date on the latest happenings in the Philippines and around the world. The hosts and their guests often mix English and Tagalog, so feel free to key in on the points where the speakers are using 100% Tagalog.

6. Boiling Waters PH 

Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Theme: Dating & Relationships

Boiling Waters PH is the go-to podcast for people seeking relationship advice. According to the two unnamed male hosts, the podcast deals with all the stuff about dating and relationships that people don’t usually dare to talk about. There are instances in each episode where the hosts and their guests speak in English, but 95% of the podcast is pure Tagalog. And since this show talks about love, expect the choice of vocabulary to be uncomplicated. So yes, if you’re a beginner, this is one of the podcasts you should listen to.

English Words Typed on Several Small Slips of Paper

Listening to Filipino podcasts will help you master how words should flow when you’re speaking.

7. Ang Walang Kwentang Podcast 

Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Theme: Current Issues, Pop Culture

The term walang kwenta literally means “useless” in English. But if there’s one word to describe Ang Walang Kwentang Podcast, it’s definitely not that one—that is, if your goal is to learn Filipino. The podcast is hosted by well-known Filipino filmmaker Antoinette Jadaone and writer/actor/spoken word artist Juan Miguel Severo. There are about a hundred episodes centering on various subjects, most of which are related to pop culture and trending issues. Both of the hosts speak in Tagalog 95% of the time, which makes this the perfect podcast for those who want to enjoy entire episodes without having to skip around.

8. Walwal Sesh 

Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Theme: Mental Health, Dating & Relationships

One of the best Filipino podcasts to listen to while you’re in the car or commuting via bus or train, Walwal Sesh revolves around the topics of love, mental health, equality, and the things that really matter. The three hosts know what they’re talking about, each having a medical background. One of them is actually a medical doctor, so you can rest assured that they’re precise when talking about self-care, anger management, sex, and depression. What you’ll love about this podcast is that the hosts rarely interrupt each other, which will allow you to really concentrate on each word as you listen.

9. Creepsilog 

Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Theme: Horror, Crime, Mystery

For those of you who are into horror and murder mysteries, Creepsilog is the perfect Pinoy podcast for you. The series has some touches of humor to it, which makes it even more interesting. Hosted by Gideon Mendoza and Glenn Tabarejos, Creepsilog now has over 170 episodes under its belt. The fascinating stories in each episode should motivate you to listen intently and to research the meaning of new words and expressions—that way, you can more easily figure out how each plot goes down. You’ll find this notable Filipino podcast on Spotify.

10. Telebabad Tapes

Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Theme: Relationships, Filipino Culture

The term telebabad is a 90s expression that refers to the habit of teenagers back then to spend especially long hours on the phone. As the title of the podcast suggests, Telebabad Tapes revolves around topics one would not hesitate to spend hours discussing. The show is hosted by husband-and-wife duo Wincy Ong and Cj de Silva. Each episode is usually centered around a pop-culture item, whether that be a song, movie, or special occasion. It then progresses into a more serious discussion about that item. If you want to find out what it meant to be a Filipino teen back in the 90s, this is the podcast for you. Oh, and the hosts converse in fluent Tagalog 95% of the time, making this podcast a great tool for boosting your comprehension skills.

11. FilipinoPod101

Level: Beginner to Advanced
Theme: Language Learning

What better way to learn Filipino than by listening to a podcast that directly teaches the language? FilipinoPod101 offers a wide range of podcast episodes that focus on different aspects of the Filipino language. What makes FilipinoPod101 audio lessons unique is that they’re designed to make learning fun and enjoyable. That means you can’t expect lessons that come straight out of textbooks, but ones that you can apply right away. For instance, there are lessons about words related to eating, ways to learn new words, and how to talk about your daily routine in Filipino. 

12. Woke Up PH

Level: Advanced
Theme: Politics, Current Events

Woke Up PH is a one-of-a-kind podcast. Its main aim is to “wake up” the country’s youth to the issues that are most pressing for the Filipino people. The subjects discussed in each episode are especially relevant to young people. The podcast has only 12 episodes (all aired in 2019), but each one exudes so much insight that’s still relevant two years later. Most of the episodes are in English, with only a few featuring Filipino dialogue. Just pick the ones that you believe will help you with your Filipino-language studies the most. We can’t not include it on this list, as it’s actually one of the most noteworthy Filipino-made podcasts right now.

A Radio DJ with Headphones on

Hosts of Filipino podcasts speak fluent Tagalog, which means you won’t have a hard time following every word they say.

3. Tricks for Learning Filipino More Effectively with Podcasts

We’ve established that listening to podcasts is one of the best ways to take your comprehension skills to the next level. We’ve also presented you with the top Filipino podcasts to help you improve your Tagalog. Now, here are some tips on how you can learn more effectively with the podcasts on our list.

1 – Pick a podcast that talks about your interests.

While it’s true that you’ll benefit from podcasts regardless of their theme, there’s an advantage to listening to those that cover the stuff you’re interested in. Being interested in the topics at hand will motivate you to listen intently so that you don’t miss anything. 

2 – Find the right time to listen.

Sure, you can listen anytime and anywhere. That’s one advantage of using podcasts to learn Filipino. However, it’s going to be difficult to retain anything when you’re tired or sleepy. As much as possible, you’ll want to listen to your favorite podcast at the times when you’re most alert. This will allow you to focus on the content better and increase your chances of remembering what you’ve heard.

3 – Don’t hesitate to rewind when necessary.

I remember when the internet didn’t exist yet, and we had to keep on rewinding and playing our favorite song on the cassette player just to pick up the lyrics. That’s a good technique when learning a language via a podcast. There will always be times when the person you’re listening to is speaking too fast or mumbling their words. Every time you fail to catch a word or phrase, don’t hesitate to click the rewind button to listen again.

4 – Take notes.

When there’s a word you don’t understand, don’t just press “rewind” to listen again. Be sure to write words down, too, particularly those that are not familiar to you. Taking notes is an effective study strategy as it forces you to pay attention. Aside from simply writing down new words, you can also write down your thoughts on the podcast or even draft a summary. This will help you understand and remember things better.

5 – Play it in the background as often as you can.

One advantage of listening to podcasts to learn Filipino, or any language for that matter, is that you can play episodes in the background while you’re doing other things. I know multitasking is not a good idea in general, but being a passive listener has its benefits at times. Many of the songs you probably know by heart today were songs you used to hear on the radio. Even if you didn’t intentionally listen to them, you became familiar with the lyrics over time. The same principle works here, provided that you take time to listen to each episode again and again.

6 – Find a friend you can learn with.

Finally, find someone you can learn with. It could be a fellow Filipino learner, or it could be a Filipino friend who can help explain to you what difficult words, phrases, and expressions mean. Learning with someone who knows the language is an advantage as you get to receive instant feedback and insights. Not to mention that it’s more fun to learn in a small group setting.

Four Friends

It’s more fun to learn Filipino with friends.

4. Enhance Your Comprehension Skills with FilipinoPod101

That’s it for our list of the best Tagalog podcast shows for improving your comprehension skills. There are definitely a lot more, and if you know a couple that didn’t make this list, comment their names below so we can all check them out.

Before you leave, don’t forget to go through our free learning resources here at You now know that we even have our own podcast to help you improve your Filipino! 

But that’s not all. Here at, you can have access to a wide range of features designed specifically to help you master the Filipino language. One such feature is MyTeacher, a Premium PLUS service that lets you learn Filipino 1-on-1 with your own personal instructor. Want to take your language skills to the next level?

Join FilipinoPod101 now!

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How Long Does it Take to Learn Tagalog?


There’s probably no country that sends its people to work overseas more than the Philippines. And although it’s largely a country where people tend to leave and decide to settle abroad, it also attracts quite a good number of foreigners. In March 2019, some 714,000 foreign visitors were reported to have visited the Philippines. Headlines may say that living here isn’t a good idea, but foreigners who’ve experienced life in the archipelago say otherwise.

Considering foreigners’ appreciation of the Philippines and the Filipino language’s international reach as a spoken language, it’s not hard to see why more and more foreigners are looking for ways to learn Tagalog fast.

But how long does it take to learn Filipino, really? And what’s the best way to start studying the language?

These are just a couple of the questions frequently asked by non-Filipino speakers who wish to learn the language, and we’ll discuss them here today.

A Woman in Red Polka Dot Dress Holding a Luggage on a Dirt Road

Learning a new language is not a destination, but a journey.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Filipino Table of Contents
  1. How Long Does it Take to Achieve the Beginner Level?
  2. How Long Does it Take to Achieve the Intermediate Level?
  3. How Long Does it Take to Achieve the Advanced Level?
  4. Nothing is Too Hard with FilipinoPod101 on Your Side!

1. How Long Does it Take to Achieve the Beginner Level?

Learning the Filipino language might be easy or difficult, depending on who you ask. Some say Tagalog is easy to learn compared to other languages, while others say it’s a complicated language to study and become familiar with. The reason for this disparity is that there are so many factors involved in the process of learning and mastering a new language. Regardless of how slowly or quickly you can pick it up, one thing remains constant: you need to start at the bottom (a.k.a. the beginner level).  

At the beginner level, you can understand very basic Tagalog phrases and know how to use everyday expressions. You also know how to introduce yourself and others, as well as how to ask and give answers to questions about personal details. These details include information such as where you live, how old you are, and so on. You can also interact in a simple way as long as the person you’re talking to speaks slowly and clearly.

What You Will Learn at the Beginner Level

The Filipino alphabet is based on the ISO basic Latin alphabet, with the addition of the Spanish ñ and the digraph ng. Unless your native language isn’t based on the Latin script, you can virtually skip this part and proceed to learn some core Filipino words and expressions. This includes words used in greetings, numbers, days, months, body parts, animal names, and the like. You’ll also learn how to introduce yourself at this level, as well as how to ask basic questions (such as asking for directions).

How to Get There

Wondering how to learn basic Tagalog effectively? If you’re studying on your own, you’ll want to develop goals and strategies that will help you reach the beginner level and eventually the intermediate and advanced levels. In this regard, you only need to remember three things: Plan, Track, and Evaluate. 

  • Plan your goals first, and then plan what strategies you’ll use to achieve them. 
  • Track your progress every day to see how well you’re doing. 
  • Evaluate yourself after a week or two to see whether you have achieved your goals. Take note of which strategies worked and which ones didn’t. Repeat the entire process, adjusting your goals if necessary.

A Businessman Making Plans and Tracking Progress

Learning a language like Filipino requires careful planning.

Since you’re just starting to build your vocabulary, you’ll want to focus on familiarizing yourself with everyday Tagalog words. This means you’ve got to have flashcards on hand at all times. Practice pronouncing the words correctly, making sure your voice is loud enough for your ears to hear. Speaking of hearing, you should also listen to audio lessons as part of your daily schedule. And most importantly, have some practice conversations with a native speaker as often as you can.

Beginner Level Tip: 

Practice with a native speaker as soon as possible. This is a crucial step to becoming fluent in Tagalog. 

How many hours do you need to spend studying Filipino to get to the beginner level? 

This depends on several factors. Let’s assume that you’re fluent in English. In this case, it will take you around 150-200 hours to learn basic Filipino (that is, if you study at least one hour per session on a daily basis). That includes memorizing basic Filipino words, learning how they’re used in a sentence, and having a practice session with a native speaker.

Two Students Chatting with Each Other in a Classroom

Practice with a native speaker as soon as possible. 
This is a crucial step to becoming fluent in Tagalog.

2. How Long Does it Take to Achieve the Intermediate Level?

Let’s say you’ve already spent 200 hours studying basic Filipino. By this time, you should be ready to proceed to the intermediate level. 

Once you reach the end of this level, it will be easier for you to understand important points about subjects related to work, school, and similar matters. You’ll also find it easier to produce simple sentences about topics that are familiar to you. 

You will be more comfortable expressing yourself, particularly in terms of describing events and things you’ve experienced. You might also be more fluent around this time, able to interact more spontaneously with native speakers.

What You Will Learn at the Intermediate Level

At this level, you’ll start learning more Filipino words and expressions, but this time, the words you’ll learn are not limited to the names of things or places. You’ll also learn words used to describe actions and experiences, as well as those used to describe a person or situation. In addition to taking your vocabulary to another level, you’ll also learn grammatical tenses and verb conjugation. Add to that the Filipino parts of speech and sentence structure, and you have a good idea of what your studies should focus on at this point.

How to Get There

There are still a lot of core Filipino words for you to learn at this level, so don’t do away with those flashcards yet. Aside from simply memorizing words and their meanings, practice pronouncing the words, too. It’s also important to learn them in context, as new words are more meaningful (and more memorable) this way. When memorizing a particular word, try using it in a sentence or a story. It also helps to study vocabulary based on a specific topic or theme.

If you’re wondering how to learn Filipino words outside of flashcards, keep in mind that you can learn more words and their pronunciation by listening to audio lessons. By now, you should be able to watch Tagalog films or TV programs with subtitles. This is also the best time to read Tagalog literature. You don’t necessarily have to read Noli Me Tangere or Banaag at Sikat; you can instead find reading materials with content appropriate to your level and relevant to your learning goals.

For best results, do all these things in addition to having regular practice conversations with a native speaker.

Intermediate Level Tip: 

The key to becoming fluent in Tagalog is to practice your listening skills. Listen carefully to how a native speaker would pronounce words, break down sentences into parts, and try to understand each word. Repeat the process until you’ve familiarized yourself with Tagalog words, how they’re pronounced, and how they’re used in a sentence.

Bonus Tip: 

It’s important to imitate the accent and intonation of a native speaker, as they both carry the emotions the speaker wishes to convey.

    By now, you should be able to post social media comments the Filipino way. This lesson should be able to help you with that.

How long will it take for you to get from the beginner level to the intermediate level? To achieve this, you’ll need to spend another 250-300 hours of studying.

A Man Studying in a Library

Find reading materials with content appropriate to your level and relevant to your learning goals.

3. How Long Does it Take to Achieve the Advanced Level?

Congratulations! You’re now ready for the advanced level. 

Once you master this level, you’ll be almost as fluent in Filipino as you are in your own language. You’ll now be able to produce well-structured, detailed sentences on any subject, whether simple or complex. You’ll also be able to understand demanding texts and their implicit meaning. In addition, you’ll be comfortable expressing yourself spontaneously without having to grasp for words. You can also use Filipino now for professional and academic purposes and not just for casual conversations.

What You Will Learn at the Advanced Level

Expanding your vocabulary doesn’t stop after you complete the intermediate level. Most native speakers know at least 15,000 word families, so it should be your goal to become familiar with at least 10,000 words in the language to reach the advanced level. This time, your approach will be more advanced, too. You won’t simply memorize words, but also learn the grammar and gain a deeper understanding of the Filipino culture.

How to Get There

In addition to the habits you formed to get to the beginner and intermediate levels, you must now start speaking and writing with a Filipino tutor who can guide you and offer you feedback. You’ll want to look for more Tagalog books, as well. Several authors write in contemporary Tagalog, such as Bob Ong and Edgar Calabia. If you’re going to visit a bookstore in the Philippines, head straight to the Filipiniana section where you will find a collection of books that are strong in history, economics, literature, sociology, and political science.

Advanced Level Tip: 

Filipino grammar books are okay, but that’s the only thing they can teach you—grammar. When studying a language, it’s important to learn what a native speaker would actually say in real situations, and not just repeat sentences you read from books. 

    At the advanced level, you should already know how to conduct business using the Filipino language. This lesson should help you prepare!

So how long does it take to learn Tagalog fluently? To go from the intermediate level to the advanced level, you’ll need to study for another 550-600 hours.

Again, your learning speed will depend on several factors, and the numbers here are just estimates. They’re particularly based on the numbers provided by the Foreign Service Institute, which is the center for foreign-language learning in the United States government. According to their research, Tagalog is a Category III language and takes a total of 1100 hours to learn. That means Tagalog is more difficult to learn than French, Italian, or Spanish!

A Woman Dressed in Graduation Attire and Holding a Diploma

Tagalog is a Category III language and takes a total of 1100 hours to master.

Nothing is Too Hard with FilipinoPod101 on Your Side!

Learning Filipino is a journey that starts with a single step. And just like with any other journey, the best way to get to your destination is to travel with a map. In this case, your map is FilipinoPod101! Yes, it’s possible to reach the advanced level and start speaking fluent Tagalog like a native speaker. You can do this largely on your own, but with an expert to guide you and give you feedback along the way, you’ll be able to learn Tagalog fast.

Want to save time and money as you learn the Filipino language and discover the culture? Sign up with FilipinoPod101 today! Here, you’ll get access to free learning resources you won’t find elsewhere, as well as access to exclusive lessons from our Lesson Library. Our Innovative Language 101 app will also give you a way to view your lessons and track your progress anytime, anywhere.

Need a personal teacher to guide you through lessons tailored to your specific needs and goals? Our MyTeacher service will take care of you! With this Premium PLUS feature, you’ll receive continuous feedback on your progress, so you’ll know exactly where you are in your journey toward mastering Filipino.

So, what did you think of this post? Were we able to answer your question on how to learn Tagalog faster? Let us know in the comments section! 

Happy learning!

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