
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Gina: Hello and welcome to the Absolute Beginner series at FilipinoPod101.com. This is season 1, lesson 17, Talking About Ages in Filipino. I’m Gina.
Betsey: Kamusta! And I’m Betsey!
Gina: In this lesson you'll learn how to talk about someone’s age, as well as how old something is.
Betsey: This conversation takes place in the daytime inside a Filipino home.
Gina: It’s between good friends
Betsey: So they’ll be using informal speech.
Gina: Ok, let’s listen to the conversation.
A: Uy Angel, nasaan si Sarah?
B: Nasa kuwarto. Gusto niyo ba siyang makita?
C: Oo!
C: Ah! Ang ganda niya!
A: Angel, Ilang taon na ba siya?
B: Isa.
C: Ay naku! Pasensya ka na, masyado ba kaming maingay?
Gina: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
A: Uy Angel, nasaan si Sarah?
B: Nasa kuwarto. Gusto niyo ba siyang makita?
C: Oo!
C: Ah! Ang ganda niya!
A: Angel, Ilang taon na ba siya?
B: Isa.
C: Ay naku! Pasensya ka na, masyado ba kaming maingay?
Gina: Now let's hear it with the English translation.
A: Uy Angel, nasaan si Sarah?
A: Hey Angel, where is Sarah?
B: Nasa kuwarto. Gusto niyo ba siyang makita?
B: In the room. Do you want to see her?
C: Oo!
C: Yes!
C: Ah! Ang ganda niya!
C: Ah! She's beautiful!
A: Angel, Ilang taon na ba siya?
A: Angel, how old is she?
B: Isa.
B: One.
C: Ay naku! Pasensya ka na, masyado ba kaming maingay?
C: Oh my! Sorry, are we too noisy?
Gina: It’s now time for us to learn some more about Filipino culture! What can you tell us about babies in the Philippines?
Betsey: It’s common for Filipino babies to have a phase of what’s known as “pangingilala”, or as an adjective the baby is said to be “nangingilala”.
Gina: During this phase, they tend to take their time in warming up to strangers or people they’ve just met.
Betsey: Babies are very well loved by Filipino families.
Gina: It’s no wonder that they’re often the center of attention during events and special occasions.
Betsey: The common first words spoken by Filipino babies are either “Mama”
Gina: To refer to their mother, and
Betsey: “Papa”
Gina: ...that refers to their father
Betsey: The baby’s first word is very much anticipated by the whole family, just like in many other countries.
Gina: I guess it would often be a cause for small celebration, right?
Betsey: Definitely!
Gina: Okay, now let’s move onto the vocab.
Gina: The first word we shall see is...
Betsey: Nasaan [natural native speed]
Gina: where
Betsey: Nasaan [slowly - broken down by syllable] Nasaan [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Betsey: nasa [natural native speed]
Gina: in that place; particle indicating position or location
Betsey: nasa [slowly - broken down by syllable] nasa [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Betsey: Kwarto [natural native speed]
Gina: room
Betsey: Kwarto [slowly - broken down by syllable] Kwarto [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Betsey: Maganda [natural native speed]
Gina: beautiful
Betsey: Maganda [slowly - broken down by syllable] Maganda [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Betsey: ilan [natural native speed]
Gina: how many
Betsey: ilan [slowly - broken down by syllable] ilan [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Betsey: taon [natural native speed]
Gina: year
Betsey: taon [slowly - broken down by syllable] taon [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Betsey: masyado [natural native speed]
Gina: too, excessive
Betsey: masyado [slowly - broken down by syllable] masyado [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Betsey: Maingay [natural native speed]
Gina: noisy; loud
Betsey: Maingay [slowly - broken down by syllable] Maingay [natural native speed]
Gina: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson. We’ll be focusing on three words from our dialogue, which are...
Betsey: “nasaan” , “nasa” and “masyado”
Gina: First, we’ll start off with a review of the word...
Betsey: “nasaan”
Gina: Which means “where” in English.
Betsey: As we have studied in previous lessons, “nasaan” is used to ask where a specific object or person’s location is.
Gina: We also have another question word in Filipino which means “where”, and that is..
Betsey: “saan”
Gina: The difference is that the latter is used to ask where an action occurred or will occur.
Betsey: ...and not the location of a person or object
Gina: Great! So Betsey, why don’t we give an example?
Betsey: That’s a great idea, Gina.
Gina: What’s “Where is my coffee” in Filipino?
Betsey: “Nasaan ang kape ko?”
Gina: Now, that wasn’t too hard! Alright, next on the list is…
Betsey: “nasa”
Gina: a word that is used to point out objects in a specific place or location.
Betsey: “nasa” is usually followed by the direction or location of the objects or people
Gina: It is used as a response to the question word..
Betsey: “nasaan”
Gina: Say the response to our earlier question “Where is my coffee?” will be..
Betsey: “nasa ibabaw ng lamesa”
Gina: That is “It’s on the table” where “on” in Filipino is
Betsey: “ibabaw”, while “lamesa”
Gina: refers to “table”
Betsey: Perfect!
Gina: and last on the list is the word…
Betsey: “masyado”
Gina: an adjective which translates in English as “too” or “excessive”
Betsey: “masyado” is used to refer to the excessiveness of something or someone
Gina: Let’s give our listeners an example.
Betsey: Okay!
Gina: For instance, “The box is too heavy” in Filipino is…
Betsey: “Masyadong mabigat ang kahon”
Gina: Where “box” is...
Betsey: “kahon”, while “mabigat” is an adjective that means...
Gina: ...“heavy”
Betsey: Okay, now onto the grammar.
Gina: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to ask someone or something’s age in Filipino.
Betsey: That’s right. First, we use the phrase “Ilang taon” to ask “how old” someone or something is.
Gina: I see. So, that asks for the age right?
Betsey: Yes. The phrase “ilang taon?” is used to ask “how old?” or “how many years?”
Gina: What do the words in the phrase mean?
Betsey: Well, the phrase is formed by combining the words “ilan” and “taon”.
Gina: So what do they mean?
Betsey: The first word, “ilan”, means “how many” or “how much”.
Gina: And that means that the second word means “years”.
Betsey: Note that the phrase we used in the dialogue is “ilang taon na ba siya?”
Gina: When would you say that phrase?
Betsey: You use it to ask the age of a person.
Gina: And just a person, right?
Betsey: Yes. And that’s because the pronoun “siya” refers to the “he” or “she” whose age is in question. It’s neither the speaker nor the person she’s talking to.
Gina: What about if we want to ask the age of the person we are talking to?
Betsey: In that case, we use the phrase “ilang taon ka na?”
Gina: Does that mean “how old are you?”
Betsey: It does!
Gina: Hmm. But what if we want to ask the age of a particular person? Let’s say I want to know Carla’s age.
Betsey: We use the pattern “ilang taon na si + name of person” to ask the age of a specific individual. So, in this case, we’d say “ilang taon na si Carla?”
Gina: Can we try another one?
Betsey: Of course!
Gina: What if we want to ask Pat how old her friend Maria is? How do we ask in Filipino?
Betsey: Simple. We ask by saying “Pat, ilang taon na si Maria?”
Gina: That would be “Pat, how old is Maria?” right?
Betsey: Yes.
Gina: Great! So that’s how we ask for a person’s age. Now, how do we ask for the age of an object?
Betsey: Well, the phrase “ilang taon na ito” is used to ask the age of an object.
Gina: And that would be “how old is this?” in English. But what if the speaker wants to be specific about the object in question? Like, if he or she wants to say the name of the object?
Betsey: That’s simple. He or she can say the object’s name rather than using the pronoun “ito”, which means “this”.
Gina: I think I’ve got it now. But let’s give an example to make it clearer. If you want to ask the age of a particular book, what should you say?
Betsey: You’d say “ilang taon na ang librong ito?”
Gina: Literally, that’s “how old is this book?”
Betsey: That’s right.
Gina: Now listeners, make sure you check the lesson notes to reinforce what you’ve learned in this lesson.


Gina: Okay, that’s it for this lesson.
Betsey: Thank you for listening everyone.
Gina: See you next time!
Betsey: Paalam.

