
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Gina: Hello and welcome to the Absolute Beginner series at FilipinoPod101.com. This is season 1, lesson 16, Commuting in the Philippines. I’m Gina.
Betsey: Kamusta! And I’m Betsey!
Gina: In this lesson you'll learn what to say when you ride a jeepney in the Philippines.
Betsey: This conversation takes place in the daytime, inside a jeepney.
Gina: It’s between Katy and the jeepney driver.
Betsey: The speakers do not know each other, but the setting is informal, so the tone of the conversation is informal.
Gina: Ok, let’s listen to the conversation.
A: Mama, bayad po.
B: Saan po papunta?
A: Sa Pandacan po.
B: Ilan po ito?
A: Dalawa po.
B: Heto po sukli niyo.
A: Salamat po.
A: Mama, para po!
Gina: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
A: Mama, bayad po.
B: Saan po papunta?
A: Sa Pandacan po.
B: Ilan po ito?
A: Dalawa po.
B: Heto po sukli niyo.
A: Salamat po.
A: Mama, para po!
Gina: Now let's hear it with the English translation.
A: Mama, bayad po.
A: Mister, here's our payment.
B: Saan po papunta?
B: Where to?
A: Sa Pandacan po.
A: Pandacan.
B: Ilan po ito?
B: For how many people?
A: Dalawa po.
A: Two.
B: Heto po sukli niyo.
B: Here's your change.
A: Salamat po.
A: Thank you.
A: Mama, para po!
A: Mister, please stop!
Gina: Okay, I know all of our listeners can’t wait to know about the unique “jeepney” of the Philippines so Betsey, let’s not keep them waiting any longer!
Betsey: You’re right Gina! The “jeepney” is the most common mode of transportation in the Philippines.
Gina: Jeepneys are usually colorful and decorated by the drivers themselves.
Betsey: Yup! The designs you’ll find on jeepneys are also very interesting.
Gina: Yeah, most of the walls of jeepneys have the names of the driver’s family, their zodiac signs, or their favorite characters from television shows or movies.
Betsey: Yes! This shows how Filipinos are indeed family-oriented and generally happy people.
Gina: The jeepneys are not air-conditioned but they do have open windows.
Betsey: Likewise, if the driver is Catholic, you will also find a rosary, statues of saints, or a short prayer inside the jeepney.
Gina: This shows how much Filipinos value their faith.
Betsey: Sometimes, there’s also a radio installed so that passengers can listen to music, jokes, or the latest news while on the trip.
Gina: And this shows Filipinos’ great love for music.
Betsey: Finally, it’s worth knowing that the word “jeepney” is shortened to “jeep” in daily conversations.
Gina: Great! I think that’s all our listeners need to know about jeepneys for now.
Betsey: I think so too! I hope they get a chance to ride one!
Gina: Yeah! Now, onto the vocab.
Gina: The first word we shall see is...
Betsey: mama [natural native speed]
Gina: mister
Betsey: mama [slowly - broken down by syllable] mama [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Betsey: bayad [natural native speed]
Gina: fare, payment
Betsey: bayad [slowly - broken down by syllable] bayad [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Betsey: saan [natural native speed]
Gina: where
Betsey: saan [slowly - broken down by syllable] saan [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Betsey: punta [natural native speed]
Gina: to go
Betsey: punta [slowly - broken down by syllable] punta [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Betsey: ilan [natural native speed]
Gina: ho many
Betsey: ilan [slowly - broken down by syllable] ilan [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Betsey: dalawa [natural native speed]
Gina: two
Betsey: dalawa [slowly - broken down by syllable] dalawa [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Betsey: sukli [natural native speed]
Gina: change
Betsey: sukli [slowly - broken down by syllable] sukli [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Betsey: para [natural native speed]
Gina: stop
Betsey: para [slowly - broken down by syllable] para [natural native speed]
Gina: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Betsey: In this lesson we’re going to learn three new words - “mama”, “bayad” and “sukli”.
Gina: Great! So what’s first?
Betsey: First off is “mama”
Gina: Which translates to “mister” in English?
Betsey: That’s right. “mama” is a noun used to address a man whose name is not known to the speaker.
Gina: Is there a specific age range where it’s used?
Betsey: Yes there is. “mama” is only used to refer to older men.
Gina: And it can’t be used to address women?
Betsey: That’s right. “mama” is used usually in informal settings.
Gina: For example?
Betsey: “Mama, paumanhin po”
Gina: That is “Mister, excuse me” Great! Moving on to the next word…
Betsey: “bayad”
Gina: that means “payment”
Betsey: Correct. “bayad” refers to the action or process of paying someone.
Gina: It can also refer to the amount payable.
Betsey: Yes. In addition, “bayad” changes to “bayaran”, which means “to pay” in some statements.
Gina: Let’s give an example.
Betsey: Okay, “Nasaan ang bayad mo?” for...
Gina: “Where is your payment?”
Betsey: You got it!
Gina: And the last word is…
Betsey: “sukli” which translates to...
Gina: ...the noun “change” in English
Betsey: “sukli” is the amount of money that you receive or is returned to you when the amount given is more than what is due.
Gina: Furthermore, it can be used in both formal and informal situations.
Betsey: Yes, for example, “Binigay ng tindera ang sukli niya”
Gina: Is “The vendor gave him his change”
Betsey: Where “tindera” is
Gina: “vendor”, while “gave” is
Betsey: “binigay”
Gina: Ok, now it’s time for the grammar!
Gina: In this lesson, you’ll learn expressions you can use when you’re riding a jeepney in the Philippines.
Betsey: The key phrases for riding a jeepney in the Philippines are “bayad po” and “para po”.
Gina: Let’s look at that first phrase. What does it mean Betsey?
Betsey: The first phrase, “bayad po”, expresses the passenger’s intention of paying the fare. Or simply saying “here’s my payment”.
Gina: This means that if the passenger is far from the reach of the driver, other passengers will take and pass on to each other the payment until it finally reaches the driver.
Betsey: That’s right. However, “bayad po” can also be used even if you’re close to the driver, and you can hand the payment directly to him.
Gina: What you’re really saying is “here’s my payment”, right?
Betsey: Yes regardless of your location relative to the driver.
Gina: Is this formal?
Betsey: Yes it is. “bayad po” is the polite form, and we can use it in both formal and informal conversations.
Gina: I see. But is it possible to leave out the “po”?
Betsey: Yes it’s possible, but “bayad” is less polite, and may be considered a little bit rude.
Gina: Oh I see. Now how about the second key phrase?
Betsey: The other phrase, “para po”, expresses the passenger’s wish for the driver to stop the jeepney so that they can get off.
Gina: Put simply, it means “please stop the jeepney, I’m getting off.”
Betsey: That’s right.
Gina: Now this is formal because of the word “po”.
Betsey: Yes. If you want to be polite, you should use “para po”, but if not, you should use “para”.
Gina: Great! But I have a question Betsey.
Betsey: What is it?
Gina: Are jeepney fares different?
Betsey: Yes they are. Usually, if the jeepney route is longer than 4km, fares are different.
Gina: So how would passengers know how much to pay?
Betsey: Well, passengers should say how many people are riding, and their destination, so the driver can figure out how much should they pay, or if they still have change or balance from their payment.
Gina: Great! So how can you give this information? Can you give an example?
Betsey: Sure. We say “bayad po, dalawang Manila po”, which expresses that the person is paying for the fare of two people going to Manila.
Gina: Let’s break it down.
Betsey: Okay. The first part of the phrase is “bayad po” which means...
Gina: “here’s my/our payment”
Betsey: That’s correct. And the second part is composed of “number of persons + destination”, so it’s “dalawang + Manila + po”.
Gina: Got it. That would be “two + Manila” right?
Betsey: Precisely.
Gina: Is that all we have for this lesson Betsey?
Betsey: Well there’s one more point.
Gina: What is it?
Betsey: It’s when the passenger wants to be specific of the place that the jeepney should stop at.
Gina: Okay. In that case, what phrase do we use?
Betsey: The phrase “para po sa + place” should be used instead of “para po”
Gina: And why is that?
Betsey: It’s because “para po” means that the jeepney should stop that instant, or immediately.
Gina: Oh I see now. For example, if we want to say “please stop at the corner”…
Betsey: It’s “para po sa kanto”, where “kanto” is the Filipino word for “corner”.


Gina: Okay, that’s it for this lesson.
Betsey: Thank you for listening everyone.
Gina: See you next time
Betsey: Paalam.

