
Vocabulary (Review)

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Gina: Hello and welcome to the Absolute Beginner series at FilipinoPod101.com. This is season 1, lesson 13, Finding a Filipino Bathroom. I’m Gina.
Betsey: Kamusta! And I’m Betsey!
Gina: In this lesson you'll learn how to ask about something using question words like “when,” “where”, and so on.
Betsey: The conversation takes place at Trish’s house.
Gina: It’s between Jane, Maya and Trish. Jane and Maya have been invited to dinner at Trish’s house.
Betsey: And the speakers know each other, so they use informal language.
Gina: Ok, let’s listen to the conversation.
A: Busog na ako
B: Ano, paumanhin, pero nasaan ang banyo?
C: Naroon ang banyo
B: Doon? Sige, salamat!
Gina: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
A: Busog na ako
B: Ano, paumanhin, pero nasaan ang banyo?
C: Naroon ang banyo
B: Doon? Sige, salamat!
Gina: Now let's hear it with the English translation.
A: Busog na ako
A: I'm full!
B: Ano, paumanhin, pero nasaan ang banyo?
B: Umm, excuse me. Where's the bathroom?
C: Naroon ang banyo
C: The bathroom is over there.
B: Doon? Sige, salamat!
B: Over there? Alright, thanks.
Gina: Alright! Now it’s time for us to learn more about Filipino culture. What do we have for our listeners today Betsey?
Betsey: Let’s talk about what you can expect from bathrooms in the Philippines.
Gina: Ok, this sounds useful for visitors. What’s peculiar about Filipino bathrooms?
Betsey: A dipper or “tabo” can be found in almost all Filipino bathrooms.
Gina: How about toilet paper or bidets?
Betsey: Those things are not common at all. Filipinos prefer to use soap and water with a dipper than tissue or toilet paper.
Gina: I see.
Betsey: Likewise, Filipinos are taught to wash their hands at school or by their parents after and before eating.
Gina So, what are some helpful tips in looking for bathrooms in the Philippines?
Betsey: Well, in the Philippines, bathrooms are labeled as either Restroom or CR.
Gina: I’ve heard restroom before but what’s a CR?
Betsey: well, CR is short for Comfort Room and it’s the most common term for it! Don’t be afraid to ask where the CR is. Everyone will surely understand what you’re looking for if you say those two magic letters!
Gina: Good tip! Let’s move on to the vocab.
Gina: The first word we shall see is...
Betsey: busog [natural native speed]
Gina: full, satisfied
Betsey: busog [slowly - broken down by syllable] busog [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Betsey: ano [natural native speed]
Gina: what
Betsey: ano [slowly - broken down by syllable] ano [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Betsey: paumanhin [natural native speed]
Gina: I’m sorry (traditional informal)
Betsey: paumanhin [slowly - broken down by syllable] paumanhin [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Betsey: banyo [natural native speed]
Gina: bathroom
Betsey: banyo [slowly - broken down by syllable] banyo [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Betsey: doon [natural native speed]
Gina: there
Betsey: doon [slowly - broken down by syllable] doon [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Betsey: sige [natural native speed]
Gina: all right, sure, okay
Betsey: sige [slowly - broken down by syllable] sige [natural native speed]
Gina: Next
Betsey: pero [natural native speed]
Gina: but
Betsey: pero [slowly - broken down by syllable] pero [natural native speed]
Gina: Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson The first word we shall see is…
Betsey: “busog”
Gina: And this means “full or satisfied”, right Betsey?
Betsey: Yes. “Busog” is an adjective that expresses being full or satisfied.
Gina: You use it to describe someone who had a very good meal.
Betsey: You can also use it to express appreciation for the food that the person has eaten.
Gina: Can you only use it for food?
Betsey: Not really. “Busog” can also be used to describe a feeling of satisfaction when it’s unrelated to food.
Gina: What’s an example?
Betsey: We can say “Nabusog ang kanyang mga mata sa palabas”.
Gina: Which means “His eyes were very satisfied with the show” Let’s break this down.
Betsey: Ok. “Nabusog” is the past tense of “busog”, and “ang kanyang mga mata” means….
Gina: “his/her eyes”
Betsey: And “sa palabas” refers to the “show”.
Gina: Great! Next word, please!
Betsey: Next up is “pero”
Gina: This translates to “but” in English.
Betsey: That’s right, “pero” is a conjunction used to connect two phrases that have opposite meanings.
Gina: So it connects positive and negative statements?
Betsey: Exactly. For example, [positive statement] + “pero” + [negative statement] and vice versa.
Gina: Is it formal or informal?
Betsey: “pero” is more commonly used in informal conversations.
Gina: So what do we use in formal conversations?
Betsey: We use “ngunit” in formal situations, and it functions the same as “pero”
Gina: Got it! Now onto our last word for this lesson…
Betsey: Which is “doon”.
Gina: This means “over there”
Betsey: That’s right. “doon” is an adverb used to point to a particular place.
Gina: Is that location near the speaker?
Betsey: No. We use “dito” to refer to the location near the speaker.
Gina: So “doon” is somewhere far from the speaker.
Betsey: Yes, but the location or direction is not specific.
Gina: Okay, so it’s followed by the phrase that gives the specific location, right?
Betsey: Yes. For instance, “doon sa may pintuan”
Gina: Which means “over there by the door?”
Betsey: That’s right “sa may pintuan” is the phrase that points out the specific location
Gina: That is, “by the door”.
Betsey: Exactly!
Gina: And we can use it in both formal and informal conversations right Betsey?
Betsey: Yup, you got it!
Gina: Thanks! Okay, now on to the grammar.
Gina: In this lesson you’ll learn how to ask where something or someone is.
Betsey: That’s right. And we’ll use the word “nasaan” to ask where something is.
Gina: This word means “where” in English.
Betsey: In the dialogue we had “nasaan ang banyo?”, and this pattern is “nasaan ang + [place]”
Gina: Which means “Where is the bathroom”
Betsey: Yes. You use the pattern “nasaan ang + place/thing” to ask where a place or thing is.
Gina: That means “where is the + place/thing”. Now how about if you want to ask where a person is?
Betsey: You use the phrase “nasaan si + name/person” to ask where someone is.
Gina: So that’s “where is + name/person”, right?
Betsey: Yes. We just changed the article “ang” in the first pattern to “si”
Gina: I see.
Betsey: The word “nasaan” specifically asks for the certain location of an object, person, or place.
Gina: Now, how do you give a response when someone asks where someone or something is?
Betsey: Well, in the dialogue we used the word “naroon”
Gina: Which means “over there”
Betsey: But if you are sure of the location or direction of the object, place, or person in question, we use the pattern “nasa + location/direction”
Gina: In English, that’s “at + location/direction” right?
Betsey: Yes. “Nasa” acts as an indicator of the location or direction.
Gina: Let’s give an example to our listeners.
Betsey: OK. For instance, let’s say someone has asked where the mirror is.
Gina: How would you respond with “it’s on top of the table” in Filipino?
Betsey: That’s “nasa ibabaw ng lamesa” where “ibabaw” means...
Gina: ...“on top”
Betsey: ...and “lamesa” means...
Gina: “table”
Betsey: Perfect!
Gina: Betsey, are there any other words that mean “where” in Filipino?
Betsey: We have two words for “where” actually
Gina: What are they?
Betsey: The first is “nasaan”, which we discussed earlier, and the other is “saan”
Gina: What’s the difference?
Betsey: “saan” is used to ask the direction of an action and the location of a thing, person, or place.
Gina: For example?
Betsey: “Saan tayo pupunta?”
Gina: That means “Where are we going?”
Betsey: Yes, in our example, we are asking for the direction of the action “pupunta”
Gina: ...which means “going”
Betsey: That’s right.
Gina: Is the response also different?
Betsey: Yes. Instead of “nasa”, we use “sa”
Gina: But it follows the same pattern, right?
Betsey: Yes. We just only change the place or direction indicator “nasa” to “sa”.
Gina: Now listeners, make sure to check the lesson notes to reinforce what you’ve learned in this lesson.


Gina: Okay, that’s it for this lesson.
Betsey: Thank you for listening, everyone.
Gina: See you next time!
Betsey: Paalam.

