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Beginner Season 1 Lesson 17 - A Filipino Food Challenge
Eric: Hi everyone, and welcome back to FilipinoPod101.com. This is Beginner, Season 1, Lesson 17 - A Filipino Food Challenge. Eric Here.
Camille: I'm Camille.
Eric: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to express agreement and disagreement. The conversation takes place at a convenience store.
Camille: It's between Carlo and John.
Eric: The speakers are friends, so they will use informal Filipino. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
Carlo: John, anong gusto mong kainin?
John: Kahit ano.
Carlo: Sa tingin ko magugustuhan mo itong kwek-kwek.
John: Talaga? *tastes food* Hmm, oo nga tama ka!
Carlo: Siyempre! Heto balut tikman mo din. Ito ang pinakamasarap!
John: Ano ito? *looks at food* Ah, ayoko nito!
Carlo: Tikman mo!
John: Ayoko. Hindi ko gusto!
Carlo: Pangako masarap iyan. Hahaha!
John: Hindi ko kayang kumain ng sisiw!
Carlo: Sige. Adidas na lang kainin mo.
John: Ha? *looks at food* Ano ito?!
Eric: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
Carlo: John, anong gusto mong kainin?
John: Kahit ano.
Carlo: Sa tingin ko magugustuhan mo itong kwek-kwek.
John: Talaga? *tastes food* Hmm, oo nga tama ka!
Carlo: Siyempre! Heto balut tikman mo din. Ito ang pinakamasarap!
John: Ano ito? *looks at food* Ah, ayoko nito!
Carlo: Tikman mo!
John: Ayoko. Hindi ko gusto!
Carlo: Pangako masarap iyan. Hahaha!
John: Hindi ko kayang kumain ng sisiw!
Carlo: Sige. Adidas na lang kainin mo.
John: Ha? *looks at food* Ano ito?!
Eric: Listen to the conversation with the English translation
Carlo: John, what do you want to eat?
John: Anything.
Carlo: I think you will like this kwek-kwek.
John: Really? Hmm, yes you’re right!!
Carlo: Of course! Here is balut, try it. This is the most delicious!
John: What is this? *looks at food* Ah, I don’t want this!
Carlo: Try it!
John: I do not want to. I don't like it!
Carlo: I promise it’s delicious!
John: I cannot eat a chick.
Carlo: Alright. Just eat this Adidas.
John: What? *looks at food* What is this?!
Eric: So we’re talking about food again...
Camille: It is definitely a running theme, right? Although this time, they were specifically talking about street food.
Eric: What can you tell us about street food in the Philippines?
Camille: Well, first of all, it’s a must-try!
Eric: Where do you buy street food? And please, don’t just answer with “in the street!”
Camille: I wouldn’t! You’ll find it in public markets or near schools or offices for sure, but actually anywhere in the streets.
Eric: What types of food do street vendors sell? In the dialogue they mentioned something about chicks...
Camille: Ah, that’s balut. It’s a boiled egg with a small chick inside. It’s a pretty exotic kind of street food. There is also isaw, which is chicken intestines; adidas, which is fried chicken feet; and kwek-kwek, which is quail eggs coated in flour.
Eric: That’s an interesting list of foods.
Camille: There’s also fish balls, squid balls, and banana cue or fried sugar-coated banana.
Eric: How are these foods served?
Camille: They’re served on a stick and you should eat them right after they’ve been heated or cooked.
Eric: Okay, now onto the vocab.
Eric: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is..
Camille: Adidas [natural native speed]
Eric: Adidas (fried chicken feet)
Camille: Adidas[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Camille: Adidas [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Camille: ayoko [natural native speed]
Eric: don't want
Camille: ayoko[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Camille: ayoko [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Camille: kwek-kwek [natural native speed]
Eric: boiled eggs coated in flour
Camille: kwek-kwek[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Camille: kwek-kwek [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Camille: balut [natural native speed]
Eric: boiled egg with small embryo inside
Camille: balut[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Camille: balut [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Camille: siyempre [natural native speed]
Eric: of course
Camille: siyempre[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Camille: siyempre [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Camille: sang-ayon [natural native speed]
Eric: to agree
Camille: sang-ayon[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Camille: sang-ayon [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Camille: tikman [natural native speed]
Eric: taste
Camille: tikman[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Camille: tikman [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Camille: pangako [natural native speed]
Eric: promise
Camille: pangako[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Camille: pangako [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Camille: ano [natural native speed]
Eric: what
Camille: ano[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Camille: ano [natural native speed]
Eric: And last..
Camille: sisiw [natural native speed]
Eric: chick, duckling
Camille: sisiw[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Camille: sisiw [natural native speed]
Eric: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is..
Camille: kahit ano
Eric: meaning "anything"
Eric: There are two words in this phrase. Can you explain them to us?
Camille: The first word is kahit, which is a conjunction that means “even though”.
Eric: And the second word?
Camille: That is ano, which is a pronoun meaning “what”.
Eric: How you we use this phrase?
Camille: It’s used to mean “anything.” We use it when we have no preference. For “anyone”, we can say kahit sino.
Eric: Can you give us an example using this word?
Camille: Sure. For example, you can say.. Kahit ano kaya kong kainin.
Eric: ..which means "I can eat anything." Okay, what's the next word?
Camille: ayoko
Eric: meaning "I don’t want to”, or “I don't like"
Eric: Can you explain this word?
Camille: This is made by merging two words - the word ayaw, meaning “unwilling or not wanting something”, and the word ako, which is the first person singular pronoun “I”.
Eric: As the language evolved, shorthand versions of some words also developed.
Camille: That’s how we get Ayoko. We use this word to state that we don’t want something or someone.
Eric: It’s interesting how the two words are pushed together like that.
Camille: Yeah, it is. You can separate them to say ayaw ko, which can be used as “I don’t want to”.
Eric: Can you give us an example using this word?
Camille: Sure. For example, you can say.. Ayoko sa kanya!
Eric: .. which means "I don't like / want him / her!" Okay, what's the next word?
Camille: tikman
Eric: meaning "taste"
Eric: What can you tell us about this word?
Camille: This is the verb “to taste”, not the adjective taste.
Eric: Okay, thanks for clearing that up for us.
Camille: So tikman is the verb form and we use it when we want to describe the action of tasting something.
Eric: Can you tell us about some of the conjugations?
Camille: Sure! The past tense is tinikman and the future tense is titikman.
Eric: Let’s have some examples using this word.
Camille: For example, you can say.. Titikman ko ang luto niya bukas.
Eric: .. which means "I will taste his /her cooking tomorrow."
Eric: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Eric: In this lesson, you'll learn how to express agreement and disagreement.
Eric: There was a little agreement but lots of disagreement in this lesson’s dialogue.
Camille: Yeah. We can use some stock phrases to make things easier when we want to agree or disagree.
Eric: Ok, how do we agree with things?
Camille: A simple way to say “I agree” is Sang-ayon ako. Or maybe Sa tingin ko rin.
Eric: What does that mean?
Camille: “I think so too.” If somebody says something that you think is “correct” you can just say tama!
Eric: I often find that I don’t agree with people, so how do I disagree?
Camille: An easy way to just say “no” is hindi. A nicer way is to say Sa tingin ko hindi.
Eric: Yeah, I guess sometimes we need to be nicer about it! What does that mean?
Camille: It means “I think not.” And any easy way to disagree is to just tell someone that they are “wrong” by saying mali.
Eric: Well, at least it’s to the point! And that brings us to our next grammar point, AN verbs! We haven’t encountered these verbs before, right?
Camille: No we, haven’t.
Eric: So, we should mention that affixes are really important in Filipino.
Camille: Listeners, you may have noticed that the verbs’ focus and function are changed based on the affixes they use. So the verb tikim, using the AN suffix, becomes tikman.
Eric: Interesting. Can we now say what the difference is between the affixes we have already discussed?
Camille: Of course. Let’s go back a bit and differentiate UM and MAG. We told you that some verbs can be both UM and MAG right? But how do we know when a verb should be UM or MAG? Well, MAG is for externally directed actions, while UM for internally directed actions.
Eric: I see. Now I understand why sometimes we have verbs that can be both.
Camille: Now that it’s clear, let’s go back to AN. AN as a suffix has many uses. For one, AN denotes a movement in relation to a goal.
Eric: And in the dialogue, the goal is to taste the street food!
Camille: Exactly. Intuitively, AN verbs sound like imperative verbs. Especially, since they denote movement to a goal.
Eric: Of course, the lesson notes have many more examples of how to use affixes.
Camille: So be sure to check them out, listeners!
Eric: Can you give us some example sentences using AN verbs?
Camille: For example, Hugasan mo ang plato na ito. meaning “Wash this plate.”
Eric: And one more?
Camille: Tulungan mo ako. meaning “Help me.”
Eric: Thank you!


Eric: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Camille: Hanggan sa muli!

