Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Hi everyone. This is Ice and welcome to another lesson on Filipino top words. And today, we will be discussing about Must-Know Expressions for Agreeing and Disagreeing.
1. Wala na akong maidadagdag pa sa sinabi mo. "I couldn't agree with you more."
Our first expression is,
Wala na akong maidadagdag pa sa sinabi mo. This means, "I couldn't agree with you more."
So, literally, this actually means, “I can’t add anything more to what you said.” So, basically, like, I agree with you, with whatever you said. That’s it. Like yes.
2. Well, hindi ako sigurado. "Well, I’m not sure."
Well, hindi ako sigurado. This means, "Well, I’m not sure."
Well, hindi ako sigurado. “Um, I’m not sure.”
3. Siyempre. "Of course."
It’s like, do you want to get a bonus? Siyempre.
Do you want to get 10 more days of vacation? Siyempre.
Do you want to get free lunch every day? Siyempre.
Do you want to see me next time again?
4. Sa palagay ko. "I guess so."
Sa palagay ko. This means, "I guess so."
So yeah, I guess. I guess. This means, you are not really agreeing with them. But it’s somewhat like what you are thinking, not totally but it’s more on the okay, yeah. Yeah, I see what you are going with this. I guess so.
5. Sasabihin ko pa lang sana yan. "I was just going to say that."
Okay. Our next expression is, Sasabihin ko pa lang sana yan. This means, "I was just going to say that."
Yeah. So, this is on the I agree with you with whatever you said because this is actually what I am also thinking. So you don’t even have to say anything. That person just said it for you. So good for you. You guys should be together.
6. Oo, tama ka. "Yes, you’re right."
Oo, tama ka. This means, "Yes, you’re right."
This one, it’s actually kind of like you are opening towards disagreement. You think that like this is like, this is something you used to agree. [...with someone. Well,] It is if you don’t include the word, but. It’s like, yes, you are right, but. It usually goes like that, right? So Oo, tama ka [*pero...]
7. Mali ka! "You’re wrong!"
This expression you don’t really just use it on your own to say Mali ka! It sounds very like childish. You just say like you are wrong. So you have to follow it with why you think that person is wrong or else you would act like someone – some kid with a tantrum or some very, very close minded person.
8. Sa tingin ko hindi. "I don't think so."
Yeah, this is a much like softer way to disagree. Sa tingin ko hindi. It’s like, it’s not like a fact that you are wrong but like in my opinion, you are wrong. And reasoning, reasoning, reasoning. Don’t forget to reason or else you won’t succeed in your disagreements.
9. Siguro. "Maybe."
Filipinos actually like using this one, Siguro. Siguro. This means, “maybe.” So yeah, if you don’t want to be like I don’t really agree with you but I don’t really want to disagree with you, you could just say, be in the middle and say, “maybe” Siguro. But it’s actually you could also use this to open up another argument. Siguro, add like to do this one more than what you just said or siguro, this is a better idea or maybe this is a better idea.
10. Totoo yan. "That's true."
Here is another expression you could use to agree to someone which is Totoo yan. It means, "That's true." If it’s true, then you agree that what they are saying is correct and you could say Totoo yan.
And that’s it for today’s Filipino top words lesson. So guys, do you agree or do you disagree? Balut is delicious. Put it down in the comments section so that we’d have a nice Balut conversation. Okay guys, I hope you liked this video and learn more Filipino. I hope to see you next time again. Hanggang sa muli. Salamat.

